The PRO-Executive Coach Approach
We offer our executive coaching services to individuals and also to companies. When working directly with the individual executives the client relationship is solely between PRO-Executive Coaching and the individual. When PRO is engaged by the corporate client to coach an individual executive there is essentially a dual relationship. “To optimize the coaching outcome we will always maintain a confidential relationship with the executive”.
We start with an initial face to face meeting to get acquainted. After determining that there is a fit between the executive’s needs and desires and the benefits of our services we are ready to move into the PRO Coaching Process. All coaching sessions are in-person.
The PRO Coaching Process
Like any process, the PRO Coaching Process has specific steps that help the coach guide the executive from start to finish. The PRO executive coaching process moves through six consecutive phases facilitated by the coach.
The coach acts as a guide to the executive to recommend the best routes and paths to reach the pinnacle of accomplishment. Along the route the PRO coach selects the most appropriate set of available assessments, tools, and exercises to assist in this climb to the pinnacle. The coach guides but the executive still has to do the climbing.
The typical engagement is completed over a 12 week period. During this time the executive commits to one weekly meeting with the coach that is one hour long and also the completion of assigned exercises in between these one-on-one meetings. The executive client leaves the coaching sessions with a plan to sustain and build on the progress that has been achieved.
The Six Phases in the PRO Coaching Process
Phase 1 Personal Assessment – Describes the expectations and ground rules of the coaching engagement including each participant’s responsibilities. Gain insight into your current situation including assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Identify desired outcomes.
Phase 2 Partnership Development – Learn about your personal environment including the people and events that have impact on you. Focus on the values that motivate you and influence your behavior.
Phase 3 Picture Success – Define what success looks like and create a vision and goals.
Phase 4 Plan Creation – An individualized course of action is created to achieve your vision and goals. This will be your plan for future success.
Phase 5 Progress Facilitation – Your plan will be implemented using a customize selection of tools and exercises for your specific areas of business behavior chosen for improvement or development.
Phase 6 Pinnacle Achievement – As you reach the pinnacle of your desired achievement the techniques you have learned will be reviewed. Your accomplishments will be acknowledged. Agreement will be reached on future accountability and how to sustain ongoing success.